
Nordic 5XReader- Mysterious hot guys: ch 5

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Nordic Five X Reader
Mysterious Hot Guys

Chapter Five
-Not so secretive secrets-

     Feliks looked at both you and Elizabeta who was sat on his hipster-pink sofa. He flicked his blonde hair into the air and with intense emerald eyes stared at the both of you. You had come to his house to find out exactly what he found out about the mysterious 'Nordic Five' as he called them. You and Elizabeta were so curious, that as soon as you found Kiku at the arcade you greeted him and left, making haste for Feliks' house.

     "So, did you like, do what I told you and like totally approached the cute Icelandic boy first?" He asked as he sank into the seat and crossed his leg over the other.

     You nodded. "Yeah, and everything was going fine. He looked like he was enjoying making new friends and being asked a bunch of questions. He was even up for coming to the arcade with us, but his brother sent his little Dane henchman to tell me Emil wasn't allowed to hang out with me anymore. He said it was 'nothing personal'." A sigh escaped your lips. It seemed like things weren't going your way. Perhaps you should just forget about the weird group and move on with your life? No, that wasn't possible. Your attention was drawn to them. Not just because of their dashing good looks, but there was just something about them that intrigued you and kept you interested.

     Feliks rubbed his chin and stared at the celling as he hummed in thought. "They're more closed off than I thought…" He finally stated and stared at you and Elizabeta with a dead-serious face. "I like, totally got all the details I needed for them, but it like took me forev's to get it. Like seriously though, I think I found some info that could answer your questions." He had a smug smile on his lips as he leaned forward.

     Elizabeta turned to look at you as you did the same. You both smiled and eagerly looked back at Feliks, excited about the juicy gossip he was going to cough up.

     That's when the discussion really began. "Let me start off with Lukas. Mathias acts like the total leader, but let's face it, Lukas is the real man of the group. He's a total freak though. Like, on the way to my home ec class, I passed Lukas sitting under the stairs. He had his hands out flat, with the palms facing the celling and he was just like talking to the air, like he had some tiny imaginary friends or something. It really creeped me out, I mean I had these gross goose bumps all over me!"

     You folded your arms across your chest and listened closely, but you had a hard time believing what Feliks said. Lukas was too cute to be a psycho with little voices in his head. However, Feliks wasn't known for lying as he always told it how it was and didn't care if he offended people. Even if he met a stranger, he would completely tell them what he thought about them even if he was ripping them apart with insults; of course, he would then hide behind his Lithuanian friend as he's a shy guy after what needs to be said is said.

     "He was talking to himself?" Elizabeta asked.

     "No, like it seriously looked like he was talking to something in his hands." Feliks explained. "Anyway, next let's talk about Tino, you know the sweet Finnish one?" You nodded in agreement. "He's the most normal of them all, very talkative and friendly. He's easy to approach and has some seriously hilarious jokes, like I totes laughed my head off. Even though he has potential to be popular, he doesn't stick around for long. As soon as one of his friends show up like Lukas or Berwald, he gets twitchy and nervous and just runs off like he isn't allowed to make friends. Even when he gets talkin' though, details about him and his private life, stay untold."

     That reminded you about the whole thing that happened with Mathias. So the rules pushed onto Emil keeping him from going out with you and your friends weren't just unique to him. Perhaps the whole group were prevented from making friends, which was a shame because Tino really looked like a fun and cheery person to get to know. Why were they so closed off and secretive?

     Feliks took the floor to continue the briefing. "I want to talk about Mathias and Berwald as a pair-"

     "Now you're talking!" Elizabeta threw a punch into the air and a mischievous sparkle came to her eye. She seemed to have a bit of a thing for gay couples, so the mention of any men as a 'pair' set her off.

     "I didn't mean like that!" Feliks waved his hand in the air, as if shooing away her assumption as Elizabeta sank back into her seat in disappointment. "I just meant that these two totally have a thing in common, and that's these really tacky bracelets. They're made from a bit of black string and a charm. The charm on the Dane's bracelet is an axe being struck by a really cheap looking lightin' bolt where as Berwald's charm is some kind of pole or something. They're really protective over them as well, like I watched Mathias talk to some girl and she asked to try it on and he said 'no' in a really snappy and serious way. He then wrapped up the conversation and left her there."

     "How rude." You commented. That was how Mathias acted with you earlier though. He had that odd glare of seriousness, yet you could see that his real personality was that of a fun-loving goof-ball. They were an odd bunch, but you didn't know why they behaved that way. A part of you wondered if Feliks learned a little more about Berwald… perhaps why he had such an odd frown that scared the living day lights out of you. Feliks didn't mention anything more about the bespectacled boy, though.

     "Alright, last but not least, your little Emil."

     You blushed slightly and jumped forward. "W-What makes him 'my' little Emil?!"

    Feliks laughed and smoothed out a crease in his shirt. "He's your little Emil because you were the first person to actually break the ice with him! You probably know him better than I do, but I bet you don't know that Emil had a little meeting with his brother dear; Lukas, and I just happened to be in hearing range!"

     Elizabeta giggled a little. "More like you were eves dropping."

     The blonde lad rolled his eyes but smirked. "So yeah, he was asking Lukas if he could go to the arcade with you guys, but Lukas immediately said 'no'. Oh my god, I forgot to mention Lukas has the sexiest and smoothest voice ever! It's so expressionless though." Feliks frowned and you encouraged him to carry on with the things that really mattered… although you were now curious to hear the Norwegian's voice. "Anyway, Emil kicked up a fuss saying 'why can't I just make friends?' and Lukas grabbed him by the collar of his uniform, looked him square in the eye and said 'you know why'." Feliks then shrugged his shoulders. "That's all he said before Emil muttered something under his breath and wriggled free out of Lukas' grasp."

     Your fingers curled up and clenched into fists. Just when the real questions were beginning to get answered, Feliks had run out of updates and secrets to tell. You certainly knew one thing; Arthur and Elizabeta were right, that group really did have something to hide, and you were determined to find out what.

     A few more chats got going and you had dinner at Feliks' house. He gave you other small details about the guys, but most of the conversations revolved around cute dresses he passed in the shop, and how he was dying to take you out shopping with him. You promised him that one day you definitely would take him up on his offer, but for now you had other things on your mind.

     Both you and Elizabeta said your goodbyes to Feliks and left the house. You stuffed your hands into your pockets and kicked the pebbles off of his drive and onto the main pavement. Elizabeta looked at you and gave you a sweet smile. "What's up (Name)?"

     "I just can't get them out of my mind…" You whispered, biting down on your lip slightly.

     "Really? I think I'm just going to give up on these mysteries anyway… I think Roderich will always be the one for me."

     You arched a brow and gave her a sceptic look. "It's been ages since you and Roderich broke up, do you honestly think there's still something there?" You didn't want to crush her heart and dreams, but it was sort of clear that Roderich wasn't interested in her any more, for whatever reason. Maybe he just wanted to concentrate on his studies, or he was just too in love with his piano, or maybe he really had just lost his feelings for Elizabeta… whatever the reason truly was, it was clear that a relationship with the girl wasn't the main thing on his mind.

     Elizabeta's eyes quivered as she stared at the grey path that stretched out before her. A weak smile wavered on her lips and she placed a delicate hand over her heart before she gripped her uniform. "Mm…" She blinked and tried to laugh as she looked at you. She was a hopeful and optimistic person. "I think one day, Roderich and I will be happily married… I can feel it in my heart… Every fibre of my being aches and longs for him. When he's ready, we will go out again and we will last."

     She was so sure of that, that all you could do was let your lips curl into a small smile and nod. Even if you thought it wasn't going to happen, you knew you had no right to question her wishes. Besides, the two of them didn't make such a bad couple to begin with.

     "Just don't stalk him." You joked and she just laughed. She had definitely been caught taking pictures of him outside of his house before they started going out. It was how they got together; he found her lurking in the shadows one night after they walked home from school.

     "Well, here's where we part ways." Elizabeta mentioned as you came to a cross in the road.

     You looked up at the navy sky. You weren't meant to stay at Feliks' house until nine o'clock at night, but you had sort of zoned out and lost track of time. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow." You gave her a timid hug goodbye and the two of you went down your respective routes.

     Approaching your home, you noticed a figure in a corner shop. The light illuminated his features and as he turned to exit the store, you saw that it was Berwald. You gulped a little and a shiver went up your spine. Was he going to moan at you to keep away from Emil too?

     He came out and gave you a nasty glare. You jumped a little, but as much as you tried to pull you gaze away from his, you just couldn't.

     "It's… y'u…" He grunted out in a deep voice. It was too deep for a guy of his age.

     "M-me?" You whispered. You hadn't encountered him before, so why would he seem so familiar with you?

     "Emil's fri'nd…"

     "'Friend'? I thought he wasn't allowed to be my friend?" You retorted and folded your arms across your chest.

     "Hm?" He grunted out and then nodded his head. "Th't's right… He's n't." He went to walk away, but that was just such a strange note to end on, so you couldn't let him escape from all the questions you wanted answers for.

     Your fingers caught the sleeve of his long blue coat as he walked away. Feeling your gentle tug, he stopped and turned back to look at you, staring as though he was going to detach your head from your body. "You're Berwald aren't you?" The stoic boy nodded. "I want you to answer my questions. Why can't Emil be my friend? Why are you and your group so distant from getting close to people?" you noticed the charm of the bracelet that Feliks' had mentioned earlier fall from out of his sleeve. "A-and where did you get that?" Your eyes gestured down to his accessory. Your bones trembled, as you couldn't help but be a little scared. Berwald looked the meanest of them all, but for some reason you thought he would listen to you and give you some answers.

     "S'rry… I c'n't t'lk t' you about it…" He groaned out and looked away from you with a thoughtful expression. You let go of his coat and sighed, sort of annoyed. "If y'u w'nt… I kn'w s'mone wh' might w'nt t' talk to you ab'ut this?"

     Your eyes lit up and you smiled at the taller student. "Who?"
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Chapter 1 - [link]

Chapter Over View-
Feliks tells you what he found out about the group of hot guys. You were shocked by what you found out, but you had to believe it, as Feliks isn't one to lie. You leave his house and then bump into someone who says that he knows someone who can answer all your questions that still float around.

Author Note
This is a bit of a long one compared to the others I think :P Yeah HungAust in this, because I like that pairing but I also like PrussHung. If you don't like the pairing, don't worry, I'm just saying what happens canon-ly in this hehe. Not sure when the next chapter will be out I'm afraid.

Who do YOU date?
Read the chapters, and eventually this question will be answered. I guess I can tell you now that you will have some sort of 'date' with each of the Nordics, but at the end-... well, you're just going to have to read on until I reach the end, won't you?

:iconicelandrapefaceplz:Iceland - Emil
:icondenmarkrapefaceplz:Denmark - Mathias
:iconnorwayrapefaceplz:Norway - Lukas
:iconswedenrapefaceplz:Sweden - Berwald
:iconfinlandrapefaceplz:Finland - Tino

Hetalia characters (c) :iconhimaruyaplz:
© 2012 - 2024 UraharaSteph
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TokumeiNon's avatar
Lukas is being an asshole to poor Emil :0 Who knew this day would come?!